Working on a new exhibition can also be a lot of fun, I have
the joy of playing with colours and forms - and the extra
joy of having some wonderful assistants who willingly come
and share the often arduous work with me.
I also am blessed with 'strange coincidences'. This work
commenced in October last year (2002) with the title "Memento
Mori" (meaning : "Remember always the death"). Since
that time two major crises have occurred which have, in
themselves, contributed to the emotional power of this
particular exhibition.
I love to work with 'abstract' art..but then, all art is subjective
is it not.....both for the viewer and for the artist.
The artist and assistants working on the Memento Mori installation in part of her Oslo studios
" All my creative work is a striving to weave a link to the world. I weave because this link
was at one time broken. Thus my subconscious provides an inexhaustible wellspring for
me to draw from. My weaving becomes a symbol of this - the threads are entered into the
warp: the connection is re-established; the inner bond materialised"
Blaafarveverket 2004